The Blind Men and the Coin - Part I
Cryptocurrency is a controversial topic. Yet much of the debate around it is confused because, like the blind men in the parable, both advocates and critics have a myopic view of what it is. Here I discuss the Crypto Casino and Crypto Movement.
15 min read

The Blind Men and the Coin - Part II
Discussing the Tech and the Product of Crypto.
14 min read

Old Age Originations
Seventy year old Americans got a lot of mortgages in 2021. Why? And what does that mean for the future?
2 min read

From subprime crisis to the newly prime crisis
Credit score algorithms faced an unprecedented challenge during the Covid-19 crisis. Will we soon see the consequences?
10 min read

Pricing, Profit and Paternalism
What do you do when you discover your most profitable customers are using your product wrong? A discussion on pricing, the morals of marketing and the costs of compliance.
Donald Trump, Paul Le Roux and the Dutch East India Company - Part 2
On corporate power and sovereign states in the Age of the Internet.
Donald Trump, Paul Le Roux and the Dutch East India Company - Part 1
On corporate power and sovereign states after the Age of Discovery.
Mixpanel Live - Growth and Analytics
An appearance on Mixpanel's live stream and podcast on using Mixpanel as a growth and analytics tools.
Films watched in 2022
I enjoy going to the cinema. Here are all the films I watched in 2022.
1 min read

Crypto Critics Corner - An Argument for Tether in Cuba
A podcast appearance with Cas Piancey & Bennett Tomlin.