How to get your Facebook messages into R

It is a truism that we live in the information age, yet on a day to day basis we engage remarkably little with insights on the personal information we create. Sure, Netflix shows you films you want to see, Amazon offers books you want to buy and Facebook shows you pictures of cats with boobs or whatever it is you tend to click on, but explicit purpose of that is to get your money. What about using all that data to gain insights on who you are, who your friends are, what you tend to talk about?
7 min read

Where I slept in 2015

This year has been an adventure. I've been on three continents, countless countries and dozens of cities. I thought it would be an interesting project to quantify it all by visualising on a map the places where I slept.
2 min read

Using Google Maps API: Mol Bubi Competition

A few friends and I are involved in the Budapest public bicycle data science competition. As of right now we are in the top ten, although in all honesty, it hasn’t really started yet. We signed a non-disclosure agreement, so I cannot really share any cool details. What I can share however, is the function I wrote in R to get calculate the distances and duration of bike trips using Google Maps’ API. #distance calucations #### This script uses RCurl and RJSONIO to download data from Google's API library(RCurl) library(RJSONIO) #define api key as: api<-"YOURAPI" #the function assumes address input in following dataframe: #lat1,lng1,lat2,lng2 DistDur <- function(address,time = as.
1 min read
R , Maps

Do stupid people make more spelling mistakes? An analysis with R.

English orthography is a tricky topic. Most people learning English (and a great number of native speakers) are puzzled by a written language with an utter disregard for phonemic representation. It is therefore very worrying that individuals intuitively assume making orthographic mistakes is a sign of low intelligence or unprofessionalism. In this post we are going to show how we looked into the relationship of IQ and orthography using R. We are going to need two things:
5 min read